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Sand & Gravel
A Louisiana Based Company
Crushed Concrete & Stone

(800) 732-3969

(318) 322-4444

We Accept all Major Credit Cards


In 1945, Parker Humble founded Century Ready Mix. Today, after sixty-six years of business, the company has grown into one of the largest concrete and aggregate suppliers in North Louisiana. The company has experienced steady growth for three generations, always looking for ways to increase quality and efficiency. The Corporate Headquarters is located in Monroe, LA where we operate two ready mix plants and a railroad terminal. The other stationary plants are located in Ruston, Farmerville, West Monroe, Delhi, Columbia, Bastrop, LA and Crossett, AR. Century also, has a new railroad terminal in West Monroe, LA for crushed stone products.

Century is not limited to just its stationary plants. We also serve the needs of contractors with our mobile, on-site concrete plants. Century specializes in designing, operating and dismantling plants to serve concrete needs on or near-site for concrete production. These plants maintain high production rates that meet or surpass industry standards. Century operates a fleet of late model state certified mixer trucks; delivery and placement is timely and dependable either at on-site or near-site projects. We also own and operate cement tankers and aggregate haulers to insure prompt delivery. Century is always committed to anticipating and exceeding customer needs for many diverse projects from multi-story buildings, industrial mills, bridges, dams, highways and power plants.

Century uses on-site computer technology to increase efficiency and to enhance every capability. Computers are used at on-site locations to batch concrete and monitor plant operations. This ensures consistent quality and delivery of our concrete products. All the satellite plant computers are networked together for greater efficiency and accountability. When specified, concrete admixtures such as retarders, accelerators, superplasticizers and fly ash, are batched into the mix by computer to insure accuracy. With the help of this twenty-first century technology, Century has extensive experience delivering rigid specification concrete at high production rates.

Century has an experienced Quality Control Department to assist in designing mixes to meet your requirements. Century works closely with suppliers to maintain high standards and consistency with design mixes. We will monitor and verify the specifications before, during and after the placement. All of our plants and trucks are approved by the State Highway Department to insure quality. Even after delivery, we continue to provide professional support to our customers.

Century has rail service in Monroe and our new rail facility in West Monroe that accommodates over 100 rail cars. These rail terminals provide delivery for crushed stone, cement, construction materials, etc. Century also owns a port facility on the Ouachita River to facilitate unloading barges.

This company has been based on principles of fairness, honesty and integrity. Our reputation and success is centered on our people and our ability to supply a high quality product at a competitive price. Our commitment is to continue this policy in the twenty-first century.